The key to happiness in Midlife is to live a life with meaning.
On my website you will find resources to support you through midlife and help you find happiness and vitality.
The key to happiness in Midlife is to live a life with meaning.
On my website you will find resources to support you through midlife and help you find happiness and vitality.

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Your Guide to Midlife

An inward process, an onward journey

If you’ve typed ‘Midlife’ into your search engine and ended up here, chances are, by default, you’re already a fully-fledged member of the Midlife Club and welcome to join me at The Midlife Academy.

Midlife, a strange kind of place, where if you live long enough, you will find yourself visiting. It seems to be an elusive, ominous sort of existence, where meaning and purpose are hard to find yet discontentment, depression, ennui and malaise are readily available in bucket loads.

If you’re aged between 40 and 65 then you fall into the ‘midlife’ category and there are millions of us! In 2019 the biggest age group in the UK was people aged 50-54 years (4.7million). Yet, despite there being so many of us, surprisingly little seems to be known or has been written or researched about the midlife psychological experience or as it is more commonly known ‘the midlife crisis’ . The midlife crisis remains one of the most underestimated, most unrecognised, most challenging and most ridiculed experience alongside being the least likely to evoke an empathetic response from others, particularly our contemporaries.

My website, workshops, pages and blogs will guide you through the rocky terrain of midlife, debunking myths and exploring psychological challenges aiming to help you understand why you might feel so disillusioned when outwardly to others it may look like you are doing alright.

So as Virgil was to Dante, let me be your guide as we navigate the midlife terrain.

My book is now available!  Read more

"It's never too late
to start afresh,
your future happiness
may depend on it."

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