16 Aug 2023

Why am I unhappy in retirement?

Why am I unhappy in retirement? If retirement is supposed to be a joyous time, then why, do so many people struggle to adjust? A retirement party, a golden handshake, a slap on the back with a ‘You lucky thing!’ comment. These are all stereotypical accompaniments to this particular time of life., I’ve even seen...
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29 Jun 2023

Why you’re unhappy at work

Why you’re unhappy at work. Nothing is more annoying than when you feel you are starting to lose all your enthusiasm for your job. So much of our day is taken up with work and if you are not happy in your role, low mood can start to infiltrate all other areas of your life...
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29 Jun 2023

What to do when you can’t leave your job

What to do when you can’t leave your job. The last thing anyone needs when they have financial commitments is a sense that their job is unfulfilling, starting to drain them and it is becoming increasingly difficult to raise the energy to get out of bed each morning to go to work and be polite...
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29 Jun 2023

How to change career in your 40s and 50s

How to change career in your 40s and 50s. It’s not uncommon in midlife, especially if you have been in the same job or industry field for a long time, to want to change career and bring a new exciting challenge into your life. The professional midlife crisis is a lot more widespread than people...
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29 Jun 2023

Why does having fun help?

Why does having fun help? How often do you consciously make time for fun and to play? When did you stop doing what came so naturally to you as a child? Play is not solely reserved for children—it also holds significant importance for adults, as Albert Einstein said ‘Play is the Highest Form of Research’....
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29 Jun 2023

How to make new friends as an adult

How to make new friends as an adult. People start to lose friends from around the age of 25, and particularly in midlife, a person’s social network begins to shrink. Unlike when we are younger, a consolidation process commences in these middle years as people choose to spend time with family members and familiar people...
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29 Jun 2023

How to have fun in life

How to have fun in life. George Bernard Shaw said, ‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing’. You would imagine that playing and being playful would be the most natural thing in the world, but it isn’t. Without realising, many of us stopped playing somewhere between childhood...
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27 Jun 2023

Why do you grow apart in relationships?

Why do you grow apart in relationships? People are unique and every relationship is unique. We change as we age and if you are in a committed relationship over a long period of time many people sadly grow apart from their partner. Though individual circumstances can vary, here are some common factors that can contribute...
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27 Jun 2023

How does couples counselling work?

How does couples counselling work? When couples reach an impasse, and it seems that they can’t move forward together it can be beneficial to seek support from an independent person. Couples counselling, also known as couples therapy, can be beneficial in various situations and whilst every couple’s needs are unique, here are some conditions where...
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27 Jun 2023

How do we stay together in midlife?

How do we stay together in midlife? In your 40s and 50s, as in any stage of life, certain aspects of a relationship tend to become particularly important. For many couples when they reach midlife they have been together for a long time (20-30 years) and it can be a challenge to stay together as...
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27 Jun 2023

How to avoid a midlife crisis

How to avoid a midlife crisis. The best way to avoid a midlife crisis is to understand the concept of generativity, a psychological term coined by Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist known for his theory of psychosocial development. Generativity refers to a stage of adulthood where individuals feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment by...
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27 Jun 2023

How do thoughts affect emotions?

How do thoughts affect emotions? If you are struggling with anxiety and depression in midlife, it can be helpful to consider how the way you are thinking may be affecting your emotional state. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a type of talking therapy that focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. CBT aims...
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